Preparing for a job interview is the most important thing in your career. You have to make a good impression on the first appearance, and should have great knowledge of your targeted company and its product or services. For many job seekers, the interview section can be a daunting part of the application process to get the job. The stage fear or fear of selling yourself to an interviewer may feel really scary. For cracking a job interview you have to go with your confidence and knowledge you need.
Here are some tips to help you overcome your fears and make a strategy about how to tackle the toughest questions.
Know the company profile
When you go for an interview, look at the company profile and study their latest product or services and look at their social media post. Search on the internet about company news. This can be a great way of getting to know a potential employer and create a great impact on the interview.
Practice being Perfect
You may not know what question the interviewer is going to ask you, but you definitely know the interviewer will ask you some questions. Mostly practice your introduction speech and improve your delivery time by asking your friend to pretend to be the interviewer. Don’t ask them to read from a question paper you have prepared for the particular interview.
If you are still a university student you can take help from your career advisor who will take your mock interview. This can be the best practicing method for preparing the job interview.
Try to do a practice interview in a public place like a cafe, to get out from your comfort zone.
An interviewer can ask anything from your resume or the particular job specification. So, you have to prepare yourself according to the particular job specification.
Follow proper dress code
- For women- For an interview choose a pantsuit with conservatively colored shoes and shirt to match your dress. Simply avoid wearing heels, jewelry and too much makeup. If you choose the skirt instead of a pant, pair them with light.
- For men- Choose a good colored suit, especially in the formal interviews. If the company is not so strict about the dress code, you could wear a blazer with some semi-casual look. Always do clean shave when you go for an interview.
Professional attire will help to make a great impact on the first impression.