In the era when people go to online search engine to look for all sorts of information, it is not unusual for potential employers to research their job candidates online.

Now, how would your potential employers feel if they found tons of drunken pictures and offensive rants on social media when researching online about you? Even though you try to convince them that you are able to keep business and personal life separated, unprofessional online presence can prevent you to get your dream job.

So, here are some tips to build a professional online presence to smooth your way in snatching away that dream job.

Google yourself

Most people have tried googling their name at some point in their life, but have you done it lately? What did you find? Check not only the first page, but all the way to the next pages. Also, check regularly ever few months or so. When googling, position yourself as a hiring manager and note the findings that are inappropriate. Next, edit or remove the items/pages that show yourself in a negative way. For example, delete the post when you were swearing at your ex and remove photo tags of your “crazy night out” with your buddies.

Manage a Twitter account

Twitter can be a powerful tool to create a professional presence online, but it can also damage a reputation if used carelessly. So, rather than tweeting where you got your last cup of coffee or ranting about random issues or celebrities, use it to share articles you like about your field or industry. Discuss related business trends and retweet other related news or pieces of information that add value for your career.

Optimize your LinkedIn profile

One of the most likely search results for anyone is their LinkedIn profile as it often comes up on the first page. In addition, many recruiters and employers often use LinkedIn to help them decide which people to shortlist for an interview. Therefore, creating a complete and compelling LinkedIn profile is one of the best ways to create a positive impression for an employer.

Start a blog

Creating a blog relevant to your field can be a very effective way to build a professional presence online. Writing about topics relevant to your career shows that you care about your field and can communicate effectively. Once you start your blog, post regularly and consistently, because an abandoned blog may show that you are undetermined and unreliable.

Create a Web portfolio

If you are a freelance writer, photographer, or designer, having a web portfolio to showcase your work is a must. In addition, having an impressive web portfolio or web resume is also advantageous for non-freelance workers! If you have a web portfolio, your prospective employers will be directed to it instead of some partying photos of you by merely Googling your name. It makes a positive impression and will definitely give you an edge over the others as you will be seen as one who is willing to invest your time and energy well to come up with a very innovative resume.

Build a professional online presence with Style Resumes

Having understood the importance of building a professional online presence, you want to get started but do not have enough time to build all the online profiles and uncertain of how to craft powerful ones. Worry not, because we at Style Resumes can create a LinkedIn profile that reflects the best that you have to offer. We would also be more than happy to craft an impressive web portfolio for you.

Let us help you build a powerful professional online presence and wait for those interview messages and calls!

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