Despite its relatively small size, a business card can be critical to the development of your business. As business cards are often handed to prospects and customers, they can be a highly personalized form of marketing. With it, you are giving you contact information to potential clients or existing customers to make them loyal.

However, some people receive hundreds of business cards from various individuals and they rarely remember any of them. An unimpressive business card might even end up in the trash bin!

Remember that the design, messaging and feel of the business card are signals that help formulate public perception of you, your brand and/or company. After making a contact, your business card is the only tangible thing they have to remember you by. It is your identity, your chance to be remarkable and memorable for the right reasons. Therefore, making your business card memorable is really important. In order for the business card to do its desired job, it must be professional, attractive and memorable.

Check out how to create business cards that pack a punch:

Smart design

If your business card looks amateurish, so will your business. An overly complex design can send the wrong signals as well. Factors like the right color and font also play a big part in depicting personality, so make sure you choose carefully. If you’re not a designer, have someone else to design it for you!

Unique elements

Elements like interesting cut, letterpress, scratch-off or folding parts and such will definitely make people stare at and admire it for longer time, even keep it in special place and show it to other people.

High print quality

Don’t skimp on high print quality. A professional business should look professional. Low print quality can be disastrous for the look and ‘feel’ of the card. Don’t let a high quality product or service be let down by using a low quality printing job just to save money. In the end, it won’t be worth it.

High quality paper

The quality of the paper used for your business card says something about you, whether you like it or not – so don’t use cheap, thin paper. Today even recycled paper can provide weighty, thick, high quality paper for your cards that produce excellent print quality, so there is simply no excuse for poor quality.

Unusual material

While most business cards are printed on paper, you can make your business card clearly stand out by using unusual materials such as fabric, plastic, acrylic, and so on. However, still maintain excellent printing quality and standard size to make it easy to keep.

Embed a QR code

Nowadays, QR codes are everywhere. Why not make use of this technology? Showcase your versatility by including your QR code to your mobile resume, or the one which will direct people to your web portfolio!

Create an impressive business card design with Style Resumes

When it comes to business card design, the choices are endless! All you have to do is think outside the box so your business card will stand out and be memorable. Or, you can have us to do the hard work and make you a tailor-made, unique business card that will stand out and successfully convey the message you are trying to express.

Make a lasting impression with Style Resumes!

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