by Styleresumes | Dec 28, 2022
It was a great experience with Style Resume writers, it looks that I missed so many things in my resume which are now in shape and defines me in a summarized way.
by Styleresumes | Dec 28, 2022
My friend who got his dream job suggested that I try out the video resume services from Style Resumes and I never regretted it! I was called up for an interview within a few days and got the job shortly after. My boss actually commended me for my creativity and...
by Styleresumes | Dec 28, 2022
I really love my video resume by Style Resumes. It highlights my abilities in a way paper resumes can’t. And the calls for interview also came faster than I expected. You’re awesome, Style Resumes!
by Styleresumes | Dec 28, 2022
Most people in my country have never seen a mobile resume before, so I successfully became the center of attention in the job fairs. I got a perfect job without even trying!
by Styleresumes | Dec 28, 2022
I was always fascinated with the idea of mobile resumes, but had no clue how to go about doing it. I approached Style Resumes and they did a great one for me. Now every time I send across my mobile resume to prospective employers, they are impressed and I got many...